Backup 관련 즐겨찾기

SQL Server 2K

[http]BUG: Expired Transaction Log Backups May Not Be Deleted by Maintenance Plan
[http]TOAD 를 대신할 만한 소프트웨어?
실행시 Couldn't execl robot child process: Permission denied 라는 에러가 난다면 :
Search for two files on directory jre/lib/i386: awt_robot and awt_robot_g. Then use "chmod +x" on both files as root and the Robots will be created without error messages.
Novm 버전을 받아서 시스템에 기본 설치되있던 vm을 사용해 실행한다.

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last modified 2008-12-30 10:44:13
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